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Board of Directors
Phase I
President – Shawn Birst

Vice President – Tim Gilchrist
Secretary/Treasurer – Tracey Williams-Payne

Vesta Property Services
Property Manager – Alexandra Cutshaw
Office Number – 904-747-0181
Website: Johns Creek POA 

Phase II

President – Sandra Adams
Vice President – Pavan Tipirneni
Secretary/Treasurer – Ryan Hennessy

Vesta Property Services
Property Manager – Alexandra Cutshaw
Office Number – 904-747-0181
Website: Johns Creek Phase II HOA 

Johns Creek is a deed restricted community with two individual Property Owner Associations (POAs) and a Community Development District (CDD) that manages and maintains the Amenities. Phase 1 was established in 2004 and comprises of 400 homes, and Phase 2 was established in 2009 and has 183 homes. The Brandy Creek CDD is responsible for the common areas and amenities for both of the POAs.

Each POA is managed by an elected Board of Directors (the “Board”), consisting of three Directors, elected to two year terms. One Director serves as the President and one the Vice-President, with other residents appointed to the offices of Treasurer and Secretary.

The Board is responsible for overseeing all aspects of the POA’s duties and responsibilities. This includes setting and collecting periodic property owner assessments, maintaining a sound financial condition, insuring compliance with community covenants, insuring proper representation with the owner of our amenity facilities, supporting social and welfare activities to the level possible, and managing any third parties contracted to provide services to the POA, such as a Property Manager.

The Board has established various committees, described below, to undertake certain assigned responsibilities and tasks related to issues of the community. These committees are instrumental in providing a broad representation of residents and their views relating to such community issues.

The Board conducts “Regular” quarterly meetings, plus an “Annual Meeting” when new Directors are elected, and meets at other times as needed. All such formal Board meetings are posted in advance, pursuant to the requirements of our By-Laws.  The Board encourages all residents to attend its meetings, believing that resident input is crucial to building a better Johns Creek.